- Parallel and distributed architectures
- The need for parallel and distributed computation
- Parallel computing systems and their classification
- Models, complexity measures, and some simple algorithms
- Models
Complexity measures
Examples: Vector, and matrix computations
Parallelization of iterative methods
- Communication aspects of parallel and distributed systems
Communication links
- Data link control
- Routing
- Network topologies
- Concurrency and communication tradeoffs
- Examples of matrix-vector calculations
- Synchronization issues in parallel and distributed algorithms
- Synchronous algorithms
- Asynchronous algorithms and the reduction of the
synchronization penalty
Algorithms for Systems of Linear Equations
and Matrix
Parallel algorithms for linear systems with special structure
- Triangular matrices and back substitution
- Tridiagonal sytems and odd-even reduction
- Parallel direct methods for general linear equations
- Gaussian elimination
- Triangularization using Givens rotations
- A fast direct matrix inversion algorithm
- Classical iterative methods for systems of linear equations
- Parallel implementation of classical iterative methods
- An example: Poisson's equation
- Multigrid methods
- Convergence analysis of classical iterative methods
- Background on maximum norms and nonnegative matrices
- Convergence analysis using maximum norms
- Convergence analysis using a quadratic cost function
- The Poisson equation revisited
- The conjugate gradient method
- Description of the algorithm
- Speed of convergence
- Preconditioned conjugate gradient method
- Parallel implementation
- Computation of the invariant distribution of a Markov chain
- Fast iterative matrix inversion
Iterative Methods for Nonlinear Problems
- Contraction mappings
- General results
Contractions over Cartesian product sets
Some useful contraction mappings
- Unconstrained optimization
The main algorithms
Convergence analysis using the descent approach
The case of a convex cost function
Nonlinear algorithms
- Constrained convex optimization
- Optimality conditions and the projection theorem
- The gradient projection algorithm
- Scaled gradient projection algorithms
- The case of a product constraint set: parallel
- Nonlinear agorithms
Parallelization and decomposition of optimization problems
- Quadratic programming
- Separable stritly convex programming
- The proximal minimization algorithm
- Augmented Lagrangian methods
- Algorithms for variational inequalities
- Examples of variational inequality problems
- Preliminaries
- The projection algorithm
- Linearized algorithms
- The Cartesian product case: Parallel implementations
- Nonlinear algorithms
- Decomposition methods for variational inequalities
Shortest Paths and Dynamic Programming
- The shortest path problem
- The Bellman-Ford algorithm
- Other
shortest path methods
- Markov chains with transition costs
- Markovian decision problems
- Discounted problems
- Undiscounted problems - Stochastic shortest paths
- Parallel implementation of the Dynamic Programming
Network Flow Problems
The linear network flow problem and its dual
- The relaxation method
- Application to the shortest path problem
- Multiple node relaxation method
- The epsilon-relaxation method
- The auction algorithm for the assignment problem
- Parallel versions of the epsilon-relaxation and the
- Complexity analysis of the epsilon-relaxation method and its
scaled version
- The scaled version of the algorithm
- Application to the assignment problem
Network flow problems with strictly convex cost
- The relaxation method
- Convergence analysis
- The problem without arc flow bounds
- An example: Constrained matrix problems
- Parallel implementations of the relaxation method
Nonlinear multicommodity flow problems - Routing applications
Totally Asynchronous Iterative Methods
- The totally asynchronous algorithmic model
- A general convergence theorem
- Applications to problems involving maximum norm contraction
- Solution of linear systems of equations
- Unconstrained optimization
- Constrained optimization and variational inequalities
- Dynamic programming
- Convergence rate comparison of synchronous and
- Applications to monotone mappings and the shortest
- Linear network flow problems
- Nonlinear network flow problems
- Asynchronous relaxation for
ordinary differential equations and two--point boundary value problems
- The asynchronous relaxation algorithm
- Two-point boundary value problems
- The discrete time case
Partially Asynchronous Iterative Methods
The partially asynchronous algorithmic model
- Algorithms for fixed points of nonexpansive mappings
- A convergence result
- Weakly diagonally dominant systems of linear
- Strictly convex network flow problems
Algorithms for agreement and for Markov chain problems
- The agreement algorithm
- An asynchronous algorithm for the invariant
distribution of
a Markov chain
- Load balancing in a computer network
- Gradient-like optimization algorithms
- The algorithm and its convergence
- The role of the various parameters
- Block - iterative algorithms
- Gradient projection algorithms
- Distributed asynchronous routing in data networks
- Problem definition
- The algorihm and its convergence
- Discussion
- A model in which several processors may update the same
- Stochastic gradient algorithms
- Description of the algorithm and assumptions
- A convergence result
- Discussion and extensions
Organizing an Asynchronous Network of Processors
for Distributed Computation
Detecting termination of a distributed algorithm
- Snapshots
- Resource scheduling
- Synchronization using rollback: asynchronous simulation
- Maintaining communication with a center
- Appendix A: Linear algebra and analysis
- Appendix B: Graph theory
- Appendix C: Optimization and duality theory
- Appendix D: Probability theory and Markov chains